Implements the subgroup balancing propensity score (SBPS), which is an algorithm that attempts to achieve balance in subgroups by sharing information from the overall sample and subgroups (Dong, Zhang, Zeng, & Li, 2020; DZZL). Each subgroup can use either weights estimated using the whole sample, weights estimated using just that subgroup, or a combination of the two. The optimal combination is chosen as that which minimizes an imbalance criterion that includes subgroup as well as overall balance.
obj2 = NULL,
moderator = NULL,
formula = NULL,
data = NULL,
smooth = FALSE,
- obj
object containing weights estimated in the overall sample.- obj2
object containing weights estimated in the subgroups. Typically this has been estimated by includingby
in the call toweightit()
. Eitherobj2
must be specified.- moderator
optional; a string containing the name of the variable in
for which weighting is to be done within subgroups or a one-sided formula with the subgrouping variable on the right-hand side. This argument is analogous to theby
argument inweightit()
, and in fact it is passed on toby
. Eitherobj2
must be specified.- formula
an optional formula with the covariates for which balance is to be optimized. If not specified, the formula in
will be used.- data
an optional data set in the form of a data frame that contains the variables in
.- smooth
; whether the smooth version of the SBPS should be used. This is only compatible withweightit
methods that return a propensity score.-
; whensmooth = FALSE
, whether every combination of subgroup and overall weights should be evaluated. IfFALSE
, a stochastic search as described in DZZL will be used instead. IfTRUE
, all \(2^R\) combinations will be checked, where \(R\) is the number of subgroups, which can take a long time with many subgroups. If unspecified, will default toTRUE
if \(R <= 8\) andFALSE
A weightit.sbps
object, which inherits from weightit
. This
contains all the information in obj
with the weights, propensity scores,
call, and possibly covariates updated from sbps()
. In addition, the
component contains the values of the coefficients C for the
subgroups (which are either 0 or 1 for the standard SBPS), and the
component contains a data.frame with the moderator.
This object has its own summary method and is compatible with cobalt
functions. The cluster
argument should be used with cobalt functions
to accurately reflect the performance of the weights in balancing the
The SBPS relies on two sets of weights: one estimated in the overall
sample and one estimated within each subgroup. The algorithm decides whether
each subgroup should use the weights estimated in the overall sample or those
estimated in the subgroup. There are 2^R permutations of overall and subgroup
weights, where R is the number of subgroups. The optimal permutation is
chosen as that which minimizes a balance criterion as described in DZZL. The
balance criterion used here is, for binary and multi-category treatments, the
sum of the squared standardized mean differences within subgroups and
overall, which are computed using cobalt::col_w_smd()
, and for continuous
treatments, the sum of the squared correlations between each covariate and
treatment within subgroups and overall, which are computed using
The smooth version estimates weights that determine the relative contribution
of the overall and subgroup propensity scores to a weighted average
propensity score for each subgroup. If P_O are the propensity scores
estimated in the overall sample and P_S are the propensity scores estimated
in each subgroup, the smooth SBPS finds R coefficients C so that for each
subgroup, the ultimate propensity score is \(C*P_S + (1-C)*P_O\), and
weights are computed from this propensity score. The coefficients are
estimated using optim()
with method = "L-BFGS-B"
. When C is estimated to
be 1 or 0 for each subgroup, the smooth SBPS coincides with the standard
If obj2
is not specified and moderator
is, sbps()
will attempt to refit
the model specified in obj
with the moderator
in the by
argument. This
relies on the environment in which obj
was created to be intact and can
take some time if obj
was hard to fit. It's safer to estimate obj
(the latter simply by including the moderator in the by
and supply these to sbps()
Dong, J., Zhang, J. L., Zeng, S., & Li, F. (2020). Subgroup balancing propensity score. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(3), 659–676. doi:10.1177/0962280219870836
data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")
#Balancing covariates between treatment groups within races
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
nodegree + race + re74, data = lalonde,
method = "glm", estimand = "ATT"))
#> A weightit object
#> - method: "glm" (propensity score weighting with GLM)
#> - number of obs.: 614
#> - sampling weights: none
#> - treatment: 2-category
#> - estimand: ATT (focal: 1)
#> - covariates: age, educ, married, nodegree, race, re74
(W2 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
nodegree + race + re74, data = lalonde,
method = "glm", estimand = "ATT",
by = "race"))
#> A weightit object
#> - method: "glm" (propensity score weighting with GLM)
#> - number of obs.: 614
#> - sampling weights: none
#> - treatment: 2-category
#> - estimand: ATT (focal: 1)
#> - covariates: age, educ, married, nodegree, race, re74
#> - by: race
S <- sbps(W1, W2)
#> A weightit.sbps object
#> - method: "glm" (propensity score weighting with GLM)
#> - number of obs.: 614
#> - sampling weights: none
#> - treatment: 2-category
#> - estimand: ATT (focal: 1)
#> - covariates: age, educ, married, nodegree, race, re74
#> - moderator: race (3 subgroups)
#> Summary of weights:
#> - Overall vs. subgroup proportion contribution:
#> race = black race = hispan race = white
#> Overall 0 0 0
#> Subgroup 1 1 1
#> - - - - - - - Subgroup race = black - - - - - - -
#> - Weight ranges:
#> Min Max
#> treated 1.000 || 1.0000
#> control 0.466 |---------------------------| 3.5903
#> - Units with 5 greatest weights by group:
#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> treated 1 1 1 1 1
#> 221 228 188 185 174
#> control 2.9494 2.9494 3.006 3.0637 3.5903
#> Ratio Coef of Var
#> treated 1.0000 0.0000
#> control 7.7042 0.4250
#> overall 7.7042 0.4616
#> - Effective Sample Sizes:
#> Control Treated
#> Unweighted 87.000 156
#> Weighted 73.818 156
#> - - - - - - - Subgroup race = hispan - - - - - - -
#> - Weight ranges:
#> Min Max
#> treated 1.0000 || 1.0000
#> control 0.0209 |------------| 0.5046
#> - Units with 5 greatest weights by group:
#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> treated 1 1 1 1 1
#> 56 54 49 48 47
#> control 0.4117 0.4767 0.4835 0.4968 0.5046
#> Ratio Coef of Var
#> treated 1.0000 0.0000
#> control 24.1741 0.7143
#> overall 47.9120 1.0352
#> - Effective Sample Sizes:
#> Control Treated
#> Unweighted 61.000 11
#> Weighted 40.616 11
#> - - - - - - - Subgroup race = white - - - - - - -
#> - Weight ranges:
#> Min Max
#> treated 1.0000 || 1.000
#> control 0.0002 |---------| 0.385
#> - Units with 5 greatest weights by group:
#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> treated 1 1 1 1 1
#> 289 287 285 280 267
#> control 0.2393 0.2699 0.2937 0.2956 0.385
#> Ratio Coef of Var
#> treated 1.000 0.0000
#> control 1825.568 1.1538
#> overall 4742.156 1.9499
#> - Effective Sample Sizes:
#> Control Treated
#> Unweighted 281.000 18
#> Weighted 120.777 18, cluster = "race")
#> Balance by cluster
#> - - - Cluster: black - - -
#> Balance Measures
#> Type Diff.Adj
#> prop.score Distance 0.0016
#> age Contin. 0.0126
#> educ Contin. -0.0332
#> married Binary 0.0030
#> nodegree Binary 0.0062
#> re74 Contin. -0.0826
#> Effective sample sizes
#> 0 1
#> Unadjusted 87. 156
#> Adjusted 73.82 156
#> - - - Cluster: hispan - - -
#> Balance Measures
#> Type Diff.Adj
#> prop.score Distance -0.2678
#> age Contin. 0.1196
#> educ Contin. -0.0756
#> married Binary 0.0217
#> nodegree Binary 0.0018
#> re74 Contin. 0.0114
#> Effective sample sizes
#> 0 1
#> Unadjusted 61. 11
#> Adjusted 40.62 11
#> - - - Cluster: white - - -
#> Balance Measures
#> Type Diff.Adj
#> prop.score Distance 0.0652
#> age Contin. 0.0191
#> educ Contin. -0.0185
#> married Binary -0.0015
#> nodegree Binary 0.0039
#> re74 Contin. -0.0117
#> Effective sample sizes
#> 0 1
#> Unadjusted 281. 18
#> Adjusted 120.78 18
#> - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#Could also have run
# sbps(W1, moderator = "race")
S_ <- sbps(W1, W2, smooth = TRUE)
#> A weightit.sbps object
#> - method: "glm" (propensity score weighting with GLM)
#> - number of obs.: 614
#> - sampling weights: none
#> - treatment: 2-category
#> - estimand: ATT (focal: 1)
#> - covariates: age, educ, married, nodegree, race, re74
#> - moderator: race (3 subgroups)
#> Summary of weights:
#> - Overall vs. subgroup proportion contribution:
#> race = black race = hispan race = white
#> Overall 0.17 0.25 0
#> Subgroup 0.83 0.75 1
#> - - - - - - - Subgroup race = black - - - - - - -
#> - Weight ranges:
#> Min Max
#> treated 1.0000 || 1.0000
#> control 0.4654 |---------------------------| 3.5703
#> - Units with 5 greatest weights by group:
#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> treated 1 1 1 1 1
#> 221 228 188 185 174
#> control 2.9787 2.9787 3.0338 3.0899 3.5703
#> Ratio Coef of Var
#> treated 1.0000 0.0000
#> control 7.6708 0.4264
#> overall 7.6708 0.4625
#> - Effective Sample Sizes:
#> Control Treated
#> Unweighted 87.000 156
#> Weighted 73.744 156
#> - - - - - - - Subgroup race = hispan - - - - - - -
#> - Weight ranges:
#> Min Max
#> treated 1.0000 || 1.0000
#> control 0.0254 |-----------| 0.4743
#> - Units with 5 greatest weights by group:
#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> treated 1 1 1 1 1
#> 56 54 48 47 28
#> control 0.3908 0.4496 0.4557 0.4704 0.4743
#> Ratio Coef of Var
#> treated 1.0000 0.0000
#> control 18.6516 0.6795
#> overall 39.3245 1.0314
#> - Effective Sample Sizes:
#> Control Treated
#> Unweighted 61.00 11
#> Weighted 41.95 11
#> - - - - - - - Subgroup race = white - - - - - - -
#> - Weight ranges:
#> Min Max
#> treated 1.0000 || 1.000
#> control 0.0002 |---------| 0.385
#> - Units with 5 greatest weights by group:
#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> treated 1 1 1 1 1
#> 289 287 285 280 267
#> control 0.2393 0.2699 0.2937 0.2956 0.385
#> Ratio Coef of Var
#> treated 1.000 0.0000
#> control 1825.568 1.1538
#> overall 4742.156 1.9499
#> - Effective Sample Sizes:
#> Control Treated
#> Unweighted 281.000 18
#> Weighted 120.777 18, cluster = "race")
#> Balance by cluster
#> - - - Cluster: black - - -
#> Balance Measures
#> Type Diff.Adj
#> prop.score Distance 0.0019
#> age Contin. 0.0388
#> educ Contin. -0.0305
#> married Binary 0.0096
#> nodegree Binary 0.0086
#> re74 Contin. -0.0561
#> Effective sample sizes
#> 0 1
#> Unadjusted 87. 156
#> Adjusted 73.74 156
#> - - - Cluster: hispan - - -
#> Balance Measures
#> Type Diff.Adj
#> prop.score Distance -0.1909
#> age Contin. 0.0167
#> educ Contin. -0.0654
#> married Binary 0.0314
#> nodegree Binary 0.0084
#> re74 Contin. -0.0175
#> Effective sample sizes
#> 0 1
#> Unadjusted 61. 11
#> Adjusted 41.95 11
#> - - - Cluster: white - - -
#> Balance Measures
#> Type Diff.Adj
#> prop.score Distance 0.0652
#> age Contin. 0.0191
#> educ Contin. -0.0185
#> married Binary -0.0015
#> nodegree Binary 0.0039
#> re74 Contin. -0.0117
#> Effective sample sizes
#> 0 1
#> Unadjusted 281. 18
#> Adjusted 120.78 18
#> - - - - - - - - - - - - - -